Friday, June 20, 2008

The Big Four-Oh

We went to a surprise 40th birthday party tonight. It was really fun. Kolton especially liked all the food -namely the strawberries, grapes, and cake. The party was for Wes's boss and good friend, Jeff. Kolton loves Jeff, and had a ball hanging with him all night. I'm sure I'll get asked when we're going to go back over there all the time. It was a nice night, and good to see and visit with Wes's friends from work. (We were smart for once, or maybe lucky, and we brought Micah's portable crib. He slept for a couple hours while we were there, so we really did get to visit for a bit.) Wes is really lucky. He really does work with a bunch of awesome people. I feel so blessed and lucky that he decided not to work at Wal-Mart. Kirkpatrick Drug is more than just a job to him. I think it's more like his home away from home. He gets to help people, and the cute women he works with take such good care of him. They are so sweet. He comes home with all sorts of yummy food and recipes for me to try. He talks about his work all the time. I just feel so happy and lucky that he's working where he is, and that he enjoys it so much.
It also go me thinking about life. A milestone like a 40th birthday really probably makes you think a lot about your life, what you've accomplished, and what you still want to do. I hope that we stay on track and remember what's important, and that we don't waste a lot of time on things that don't matter. We are so blessed to have the gospel and church leaders, scriptures, etc. to guide us through our lives. Having the lifestyle that comes with the gospel brings so much happiness, joy, peace, and fulfillment. I feel so blessed that we are lucky enough to share that, with one another, our children, extended family, and friends.
Anyway, hopefully when I turn 40, I will have done lots of things. I want to have more kids, pay off the student loans, move to a house with a bigger yard, run a marathon, win a volleyball tournament, further my education, travel a bit, get back into music and photography, and lots of other things. Hopefully people will know me as a good person. Especially my family. I want my husband to continute falling in love with me forever, like I do every day. I want my children to look up to me, and want to follow my example. I want everyone around me to feel of my love, joy, and enthusiasm for my life, the people in it, and the gospel. I'm going to be busy - I've got a lot of work to do before I turn 40. I guess it's good that I'm 24. But it's something to think about nonetheless.


Stacey said...

Megan you are known for those things right now at 24! I think you are such a sweetie!

Stacey said...

By the way, I love your new background!!


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