Wednesday, August 27, 2008

An Update on Nate...

Just thought I'd shoot a quick update while everyone is occupied. Melinda and I took Kolton, Josh, and Hallie to see Nate yesterday. (thanks Monica, Kathy, and Tara for watching the little ones!) They all had fun, and he seemed to be doing well. He looked weary, he was breathing harder than normal, but it didn't seem to bother him. It just wore him out pretty quickly. We took everyone to the playroom where they played music, painted pictures, and played with they toys. They had a grand old time. Nate wanted to come home with us, but he was too tired to put up a fight about it. We said our goodbyes, lots of hugs and kisses, and went on our merry way.
I also wanted to thank everyone for their offers to help, phone calls, etc. Thanks especially to Kathy, she has been a real lifesaver. So was Monica - thanks for letting us borrow your car seat, and for watching Micah all afternoon. And whoever it was that brought us dinner last night (Melinda arranged it), thanks - it was yummy! And thanks to Stacey, you are such a jewel. I couldn't ask for better visiting teachers than you and Denise. :)
I called my mom this morning, and Nate was doing okay. He did need some oxygen last night, and he was wheezing, so they took another chest x-ray. He did have more white instead of opaque. I'm not sure why, but that means it's worse. The nurses said that it's not uncommon for this to happen, although it doesn't happen every time. Nate did pull out the oxygen tube early this morning, and was able to maintain good levels. Everyone is just waiting for the verdict from the doctor. Come home or stay another day? Keep praying for him, we miss him and want him home.
We feel so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives that we can count on when things get rough. Abby crying, and it's a little too quite everywhere else. I'd better go see what they're up to.......
I will post another update soon. Thanks again for all your love and support and keep Nathan in your prayers.


Andria said...

I am so glad that you were able to go up there!! Hang in there!!

Stacey said...

I'm glad he was playing and acting like himself...I hope he can come home today.


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