Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Boy time has whizzed by once again! After my last post, the boys came down with swine flu and then Wes and I got it. Someone was sick for about 5 weeks, I was sick for around three. I haven't been sick like that in years! I'm going to blame it on pregnancy, because it seems like I have a harder time getting well when I get sick while I'm pregnant. And then lucky me, morning sickness hit....hard....during the flu, so I've been pretty much flattened for the last two months. I think next year I need to have Christmas done before Halloween. It seems like things get crazy for us before Thanksgiving and we're left to try and make do. I can't complain, things always turn out beautifully, but I would like to have a little more "down time" and "order" during the holidays.
Thinking back to the craziness of the last few months, my heart just swells with gratitude for my boys. Kolton especially, has really grown into the "big brother" role and helped out so much with Micah. I've sent him countless times to fetch things for me. Both boys have started bringing toys into my room to play with me on the bed or near it. Part of me feels so guilty! These poor little guys are so lonely for Mommy that they resort to playing next to her bed. But it was a learning experience for me as well. I thought a lot about Wes's mom, Johanna, during this whole experience (Wes's mom died right before he turned 7, of stomach cancer). How would it be to be so sick and know that you would only get worse, and during the sickness you needed to fill each child's heart full of so much love that they would remember that Mommy always loved them? How would it be to leave four small boys, all under the age of 7, and your husband and best friend? Every time things got to where I felt I couldn't handle it anymore, my thoughts turned toward Johanna. My heart would fill with such gratitude and joy that my sickness and other challenges means not that death is near, but that there is a new life growing inside of me. That is one incredible blessing!
The boys are so excited about the baby. Especially Kolton. We read in "A Child is Born" almost daily and learn about the things growing and developing on our little baby. (today, it is the size of a lemon and has grown fingernails!) How babies grow and develop in utero never ceases to amaze me. What a miracle! It's been so wonderful to share that miracle with my other two miracles. They are growing up so fast it's almost overwhelming to think about. They were two little babies not very long ago, and now they are definitely two little boys! All boy! And the questions Kolton asks me on a daily basis are unbelievable! They are growing and learning so fast it makes me all the more determined to enjoy every minute of it! I love those little boys so much!
Wes has been pretty amazing too. We knew it would be hard with his schedule and how far away he works, but he does his very best to be here when he's home, and he is. He has never complained, or even teased, my very pregnant, sensitive heart about what doesn't get done. He just constantly makes sure things get done for me so that I can rest. (not that there's been tons of that through the holidays, but still) He is such a good person, and such an amazing support for me. He's always there, and he always cares. A lot. Who could ask for a better husband? I am the luckiest girl in the world. He's my very best friend and with him by my side, I can do anything!

The holidays flew by so quickly I am still catching my breath, but they were sure fun! Through the month we got to drive around and look at Christmas lights, be a "secret elf" to a special friend, make gingerbread houses, visit temple square and even go on a carriage ride courtesy of "Bart" the horse, attend family parties, live nativities, listen to Christmas music and play it at home, teach and learn so much more about the Savior and his gifts for us. Exchange many hugs ans kisses, cook enough to feed an army, play in the snow, and snuggle with mugs of hot chocolate by the Christmas tree. Among many other things. It's amazing how much we can cram in there! But we love every minute of it!

This year for Christmas, Wes got me a king-sized bed, compete with pillows and sheets (thanks mom and dad) and a down comforter. My pregnant self is in sheer bliss. We were the recipients of so many wonderful gifts this year, and hopefully the givers of them as well, but I am so excited about one of Wes's presents that I had to share! I decided this year I am going to teach him how to play the piano. He's always wanted to learn, but really knows nothing about music at this point. How sad to grow up without that amazing beauty and peace and exuberance that only music can bring. So this year, I get to bring it to him, and we are very excited. If he can hang in there for a few months I know he will get hooked. I am so excited to see this part of him unfold, as well as share that part of me with him even more. I love this man so stinkin' much!

I've got so much more to write, but two sweet little angel boys are on my bed with a Candyland game, so I guess that's my cue. I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas filled with many blessings and miracles and much joy!


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