Sunday, February 27, 2011

my new baby....

This little beauty.  I realized it had been a longer time than I thought since I took pictures when Jesse asked me why I bought it and if I knew how to use it.

The time is long overdue, but it is here.  I am excited and eager to delve back into photography.  Added bonus:  Wes is going to jump in with me!  We are going to take a class together.  I'm excited!  We've been talking a lot over the past few years about making sure we've got a good variety of the arts and music and sports in our home.  Wes never had the opportunity to learn an instrument, and never really learned to appreciate the arts.  But I think he already appreciates it more than he realizes, and I think one day he'll break down and learn how to play the piano (I know he wants to learn but it very intimidated.).  Baby steps.  :)  For now, he is really excited about photography.  I think it will be fun to have a little hobby together.

Last time I was taking good pictures, I was using an antique film camera and taking mainly black and white photos.  Although I believe there is a place for that in the world, I am excited to enter the digital world and think I will fall in love with it quickly.  I am grateful to have something to focus on and be excited about throughout all this stinkin' thyroid stuff.

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