Friday, August 3, 2012

Wow! Has it been a month?!

I can't even begin to describe how busy we have felt this summer.  I decided a few weeks ago that if I blogged at all before school started, that I would consider it a bonus!  We have been so busy adjusting to 4 kids, getting our horse, Rocky, back into shape, working busily in our garden, daily attempts at a routine consisting of chores, music practice, quite times, etc., and trying to make husband/wife time together.  I have also been working hard jumping back on the awful doctor bandwagon (had to do a few appointments with regular doctors, who like to sometimes use scare tactics or make you feel like you are irresponsible if you want to stop and think about things before you start taking shots, medications, etc.), mildly researching as I try not to think too much about what I should eat to continue recovering from all the health issues I was healing from before I got pregnant.  Sadly, I only lost 13 pounds after Peyton was born (surely stress), so I'm also working at losing those extra pounds while keeping a plentiful milk supply.  (More about that later.)  So far, so good...I just have to be patient.  I feel a little sleep deprived, and at times, a little overwhelmed, but all in all, life is good and I feel so incredibly blessed and lucky for the innumerable blessings.

I am still on cloud 9 from our birthing experience.  It was of the most incredible days of my life.  I find myself wanting another baby sometimes, but realized (with relief haha), that I am just missing that AMAZING experience of childbirth and want to do it all over again.  Hopefully, that wish will be granted - a few years down the road.  For now, we are soaking up every single minute we can while we have a newborn in the house.  You know, that newborn "magic" that only seems to last a little while, but is so special.  (My new little buddy is snuggling up to me now, watching out the window as I type.  We like to hang out together as much as we can.)

Meanwhile, our boys seem to be growing like weeds!  They change so much every day, and I am overwhelmed by the love and gratitude I feel for each of them.  They are such little sweethearts, and I feel so lucky that I get to stay home with them and be there watching them grow and helping them discover the world and everything in it!  It can be chaos and even downright awful at times, but overall, it just gets better and better.  I love my family, and being a Mommy is better than I ever could have imagined.

I finally got all my memory cards cleared from my camera, saved, and backed up, so hopefully I will get some pictures on here soon.  I am sooo excited to be using my camera again.

I feel like, once again, I am learning so much myself that I can hardly figure out where to begin.  I feel so much stronger and more peaceful than I have in a long time.  I have gotten to know myself, my husband, my children, and my Heavenly Father so much better in the past year.  I like all of us.  ;)  The trick is, remembering what I've learned and applying it to my life.  There is just so much!

Life right now is SO BUSY!  I am so glad that we didn't have any extracurricular activities going on this summer....that wold have thrown me way over the edge.  My plate still feels a little too full at times, but when that happens I try to step back and evaluate how I can simplify the day (or week) a bit.  (Although, that doesn't always happen.  I try to be a nice mommy most of the time, but sometimes the mean mommy sneaks out....kind of like last night when no one would eat lunch or dinner, or take their naps, and the toddler followed me around whining and screaming and tantruming because we can't have applesauce and juice and suckers all day.  Then, sometimes mean mommy does sneak out.)  Wes has been blessed to work lots of extra hours this summer.  We've been able to catch up on some bigger expenses, help others, and begin to out a little money away.  He's got a lot of extra hours this month as well, so we are hoping to climb out of all the little debts and keep up with the newly accruing medical expenses of a high insurance deductible (meaning all doctors appointments and vaccines for all the kids have been paid with cash only this year) and all the tests and doctor visits we have to deal with to even begin to see where my health is at.  But, we feel pretty certain that we will at least be picking up where we left off with all of that.  Maybe even ahead because I am still drinking green smoothies, spending time with my horse, and getting a little exercise.  The only missing piece is sleep right now, but Peyton has thankfully started sleeping a solid 8 hours (knocking while I say that knowing that you never know which night will be the night you are up, right?).  I just need to work on being ready and in bed for that first feeding, so I can go to sleep and get my 8 hours, too.  That's easier said than done when I've finally got everyone in bed and I can look around the house and see so many things calling out to me demanding my attention.  Laundry, dishes, cooking, housework is never ending, and I have to do better at remembering that there is a stopping point - and that's not always at the "done" point.  But all in all, knock on wood, we are as balanced as we are going to be during summertime and after having a new baby, while having Wes is working so much. We feel very blessed and content with life.

I feel so incredibly blessed to be married to Wes.  He has been so amazing since the day we found out we were pregnant.  I have had to depend on him more than I ever have before.  It's been a real shift for us, but in a good way.  Letting him do more for me has made it easier for both of us to think about the other person and their needs.  We've learned once again how important alone time for us is and we've grown so much closer lately as we've faced the challenge of 4 small children and extra time apart.  I am so excited to spend some much-needed extra alone time with him when we take off for a night to celebrate 8 years together (with Peyton, who will hopefully keep up her 8-hour sleeping streak).  It's amazing how the harder/more demanding things get, the stronger you can get as a couple.  I feel happier and more content every day.  I think it comes from each of us accepting the other person as they are more each day.  Adapting to one another and playing each other's strengths, rather than focusing on their weaknesses.  Communicating honestly and lovingly.  Trying to make our time together special, not just relaxing in front of the TV or going on grocery store "dates", but really making a consistent effort to be spending quality time together.  One thing we've been doing lately is peppering a volleyball together in the backyard for a few minutes after the kids are in bed.  Another huge help for me right now while I'm too fried to think of my own ideas is this website and this website.  It makes everything simple, yet fun and memorable.  One thing I have learned from marriage is that the more you think about and do for the other person, the happier you become.  It's even better if you've married someone like Wes, who is so caring and sensitive and fun.  :)

I think what I'm going to do with this blog for now is just resolve that school starts in three weeks, and if anything gets written before then, then it's a bonus.  Once I have kids in school and a solid routine going, I will try to squeeze in all those catch-up posts (for my journaling purposes....I don't want to forget!) in-between our regular ones. 

For now, Kolton (who has been coming up to sleep in our room practically every night for a month now), just went into Jonah's room and woke him up, and Micah just left after coming up to ask if he could play Geotrax.  Peyton just fell asleep for her morning nap, so now is a good time to get everyone fed and dressed, and if I'm lucky, I can squeeze in a 12-minute kettlebell workout and a 5-minute shower.  17 minutes to you think I can do it?  ;)  Have a great weekend everyone!

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