Saturday, June 25, 2011


You know how I was just here yesterday whining about how it would be three weeks before I'd have a computer?

Well, serendipitously my brother-in-law kindly offered to fix it for me today after the volleyball tournament he played in with my hubby and some of their friends.  At first, I thought he was just offering to be nice, but soon realized he truly meant he was willing to help.  Added bonus: he already had a hard drive!

Needless to say, I took him up on it, and now I am happily sitting here getting my Carbonite all transferred over as I blog.  I am so glad I serendipitously ordered it a few months back.  All my writing, budgets, pictures, etc. have been saved and presto! they are back on my computer.  Coolest thing ever.

Man alive, I am glad to have my computer back because so much has happened that I want to remember.  Here are some of the highlights:
-We decided to take on a fun summer "science project" of raising tadpoles.  We now have a bunch of them swimming happily in a tank in the kitchen.  They are growing bigger with each day and are so fascinating and fun to watch.  It's already become part of the routine to sit and watch them a few times a day.  Next up: heading to the library for some books that we can read about how tadpoles become frogs and toads. 
-Kolton had four stitches in his chin.  We got them out yesterday and ended up back in the Instacare sweet talking our way out of him getting more!  Luckily, the doctor complied and he just has steri-strips this time.  I have a feeling his scar will heal better that way. Needless to say, "mom of boys" initiation has begun!
-Wes got to play in a 6-on-6 outdoor volleyball tournament with his brother, Bryan, and some of their childhood buddies.  We all came home a little sunburned, exhausted, and full of joy.  I always love watching Wes play volleyball.  He is so sexy!  We also loved catching up with old friends.  They shared some pretty exciting news with us and we were so happy to be part of the excitement.  Plus, the boys had a blast with their little buddies and Jonah was a jewel.  I definitely got lucky this baby....he blows me away with how easygoing, patient, and happy he is.  (I cannot believe he is going to be ONE tomorrow!)
-We created a summer tradition of meeting my mom and sister at the splash pad every week.  This week, Wes happened to serendipitously get off work early and came to meet us.  We decided to let Jonah in the water since we were both there to watch the kids.  Man alive, that boy LOVES the water!  He loved the current, the spray, splashing and crawling around...the whole shebang.  He was so darling to watch.  It's fun to watch him growing so big (although it makes me a little baby hungry).  We just love having him in our family!
-I got to play with my Silhouette and make some wicked awesome Fathers' Day shirts.  I will post some pictures.  I LOVE getting out my Silhouette.  It's so much fun to play with!
-Jonah cute three new teeth in the last two days.  Maybe four....I didn't really get a chance to feel in his mouth tonight, but he had one more that might have poked through.  Didn't even fuss.  I am so glad that the teething struggle seems to have subsided for now.
-Fathers' Day came and went.  It was simple like Mothers' Day was, because poor Wes had to work again, but it was still special.
-I signed Kolton up for riding lessons.  I started taking them sporadically last summer and signed up again while it was warm outside.  (Horseback riding is apparently a very health-promoting activity and recommended by my doctor.) When Kolton found out, he decided he wanted in on the action, so I signed him up with no expectations.  He's never been on a full-sized horse before.  We'll see what happens.  But man oh man is he ever excited!  He asks me all day long "how many days until my horse lesson?"  I'm happy to see him so excited about it.
-I've finally (mostly) sat down and executed a summer routine and plan for me and the boys.  We've stuck to it for the most part so far, and it's been really fun.  The only thing left we have to do is some summer goals.  I will post more about all this stuff later.
-I got my hair done this week.  My best friend is my hairdresser, and she is also 9 months pregnant.  I wanted to get it done before the baby came so I wouldn't need to ask her to do it for a long time after.  I learned that my hair is much thinner than it used to be (she was almost in tears telling me this, and I was holding mine back also), but also that we both think it's stopped falling out.  I'm s glad it stopped while I still have some, and I am hoping it will thicken back up quickly.  I think it's another good sign that good things are happening in my body right now.
-One drawback of my health is that my eyes are struggling again.  I'm having lots of eye pain and droopy eyelids.  I'm not too worried about it though because we've had a REALLY stressful, busy week and I didn't nap or get much sleep at all.  I'm going to focus on sleep more this week and see if it makes a difference.  I think sleep is very important to my healing and I think I need to keep it on the very top of my priority list. (Too bad I can't get pregnant right now....sleep is at the top of my list when I'm pregnant.  When I was pregnant with Jonah, Wes surprised me with a new mattress, and then I got a new comforter for Christmas.)
-I gave the boys a buzz.  I am SO happy to not have to deal with their hair all summer.  Definitely one of the perks of having boys.  Nothing cuter than tanned, buzzed-headed, barefoot boys.

That's all for now.  So happy to have my computer back!

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