Thursday, December 22, 2011

i'm still here...

It has been a LONG time since I last blogged.  First, it was morning sickness.  Now, it's my darn computer again.  I am hoping it will be fixed in the next week or two (fingers crossed) so that I can begin catching up and continue documenting everything I want to remember from what is going on around here.

I thought I'd throw in a quick post to let you know I hadn't abandoned this blog and that I am planning on coming back soon.

Here's a quick update on our family:
- I am almost 17 weeks pregnant!  (and yes, still sick.  Throwing up is a daily occurrence, but I do actually get out of bed and get dressed now.  New issue: BACK PAIN.  It's so bad sometimes I can barely walk.  I am thinking I'm out of shape from laying in bed for two months.  I'm hoping this will resolve soon.  Either way, over that awful morning sickness, I'll take it!) 
Wes requested as his "only and best Christmas wish" that we find out the gender of the baby.  Since I can't say "no" and didn't realize it was so important to him, I gave in and we will find out on Christmas Eve (given baby Stewart cooperates. ;)  We are all getting very excited and anxious to find out who is going to be joining out family.
-Kolton is out of school for Christmas break, but only after a fun-filled week of parties, programs, and all kinds of goodies.  To top it off, he brought home Barnaby Bear (more on that later) the weeks before and even got to be "Star of the Week" during the last week of school.  He had a blast and I have enjoyed every minute of having a kindergartner.  Now, I am eating up every minute I have with him while he's home.  It feels like he is growing up so fast!  He is such a fun kid...I'm so glad he's my little boy.
-Micah was having a lot of trouble at Preschool.  He started to act differently at home as well.  Wes and I got concerned and called the teacher.  She proceeded to tell us how sweet Micah is, but that he was not learning much and not good at writing.  She told us she thought he had a learning disability and recommended having him tested, which we did. (I will tell you more about it later.)  Although we liked the teacher, I just didn't feel comfortable with the preschool after that, and we quickly made the switch to......Miss Mary (my mom)!  Luckily for me, my mom decided to pull Hallie out of the same preschool, and we were left with trying to find a two-day-a-week morning class after school had started.  We found it to be daunting and the only schools that seemed to have openings were very expensive and we were always lacking that "this is the one" feeling about it.  My mom ran the idea of her teaching by me and I, of course, LOVED it.  I've always felt like my mom and Micah have a special bond, and this has only strengthened it.  He's such a "Grammy's boy".  Since starting my mom's school two months ago, Micah has mastered all his shapes and colors and his first 10 letters.  It's been so rewarding to watch him build his confidence back up and receive the reassurance that Micah is definitely one bright kid.  He has blossomed so much these past few months.  We are all so proud of him and love him so much!
- Jonah has almost all of his teeth and finally decided that walking was worth his time about a month or so ago.  Now, he is all over the house, and Wes is furiously working to continually babyproof our house.  He says only four words: "Mama, Dada, tickle, and shh!"  But he is a very vocal little guy and sometimes a little too good at getting his way by screaming and carrying on.  Not to mention he loves the sound of his voice!  But, we love it too (most of the time, except in the car and during meals), so it's all good.  He started nursery a few weeks ago and completely loves it.  Wes and I can't help spying on him, and he looks so cute and little in there with all the other kids.  One thing he has figured out to do recently is turning on his Glowworm all by himself.  He was so proud of himself.  He is getting so big and every day becoming more and more "kid" than "baby" so I am seizing every opportunity to snuggle and rock him and enjoy all of the "babyness" he has left.  Luckily, he still loves to be snuggled when he's tired, so we get a great opportunity a few times a day to do just that!  We love this boy and have so enjoyed getting to know his sweet and silly personality more as he grows bigger.
-Wes is still at Walgreens through at least August.  He definitely enjoys the stores he's at now over Tooele because things run so much smoother and the commute is so much better.  He is starting to pine for the old independent pharmacy he used to work at though, and it will be interesting to see what happens come summer/fall when his contract is up.  There are so many pluses and minuses to each place, so I'm not sure what he'll do.  Either way, he continues to quietly shine wherever he is.  He doesn't even realize what a great leader he is because he's so humble it's not even on his mind.  But we've heard many things about what he can do to the numbers (how quickly prescriptions are filled, and how much money is made, and how many items are sold) from both Walgreens and Kirkpatrick.  Wes would probably not like me to brag too much about him on here, so I will leave it at that.  But, we are all so proud and grateful at what a good provider and person he is.  He continually amazes me and makes it so exciting to see what unfolds next in our lives.  I feel so blessed he has a secure job that he enjoys and that he has such a willing and responsible attitude.  I am one lucky gal!
- I am just trying to pick up the pieces of my life that I pretty much dropped when I got sick.  I have a lot of work to do, but since this has happened before, I know it always works out for the best and just try to enjoy as much as I can the present time.  Thanks to online shopping and letting go of a lot of things I normally do, I was able to manage Christmas okay, and we've even had a good amount of downtime together as a family, which has been a wonderful blessing.  It's always amazing to me that when you feel like you are at one of your personal lows, you truly just get EMBRACED with all these little tender mercies everywhere.  You get a chance to think about things and to be on the receiving end of love and kindness and service.  You get to think about gratitude and appreciation a lot.  I wasn't expecting nor hoping to get pregnant so soon, and I felt like I had to immediately sacrifice some lifelong dreams I'd had the opportunity of fulfilling.  Then I got sick on top of it and life has been really tough in a lot of ways.  But it's also been wonderful to be reminded over and over about all of the things I'm grateful for.  All of the beautiful, fulfilling things that I have in my life.  Even though I wasn't ready to be pregnant, I quickly fell in love with our baby and have enjoyed most of my pregnancy - even the bad times when you tell yourself you are grateful to feel so lousy because you know it means that the baby is growing strong and healthy.  It has been a thrill to share this pregnancy with two bigger boys who are truly interested in what is going on and "what piece of fruit or vegetable" our baby is like this week (it's a turnip or large onion right now).  It's always so incredible to me the spirit that enters the home when you bring home a newborn fresh from heaven.  This time around I have felt a piece of that heaven and the spirit with it now, long before I have had the chance to hold our newborn in my arms.  I feel so lucky to feel that.  It has given me a lot of strength and peace during this time that has been so difficult for everyone.  It's been amazing to know that at least we have had the spirit in our home guiding us through.
On a lighter note, I have been delving myself into trying to find maternity clothes I like and feel comfortable in (always a fun project, but even more fun when I get to shop with little boys haha!).  I have been knitting and crocheting more since it's easy to do that in bed.  I've started reading my hypnobirthing book and am gearing up for all the practice that's ahead of me.  I have gotten to ride Rocky (my horse) a little bit and it's been really soul-feeding and fun to build that bond with him and work together.  I've been starting to think about and want to exercise, but the one time I did do some yoga I got really sick, so I've shied away from trying again until the holidays are over (I am thinking swimming might feel wonderful on my back though....anyone tried it pregnant?).  I am actually excited to find out what we are having so I can be totally prepared and hopefully even make some special little hats and booties and maybe even a quilt for baby.  Nesting is definitely in full swing and it's a good thing, because after two months of a man taking care of the house, it needs a woman's touch, big time!  All the nooks and crannies need dusting, things need to be organized and thrown away, preparations made, budget needs catching up.  I am so thankful for that (mostly) joyful pregnant nesting instinct that makes me do things that are sometimes overwhelming.  It's been rewarding to work on things and see big improvements, and cute Wes has been so supportive and helpful hanging things, carrying things, etc.  Lots of changes going on around here!

Well, I can tell this update is already too long for most people to read, so I am going to sign off wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.  I am so grateful for this time of year and all the magic and love and peace it entails.  I feel so very blessed to have a wonderful family and friends to share this special time with.  And most of all, I am grateful for the gospel and the knowledge of my Savior, Jesus Christ, and his love for me - and each one of us.  I lean on him heavily through each passing day and feel so blessed to know He is there and He is as real as you or me.  I appreciate so much His constant influence and guidance in my life, and the hope and perseverance that brings me.  I feel so glad that we get the opportunity during this holiday season to first remember all we have to be grateful for (Thanksgiving) and then remember how much love we give and receive every day, how many opportunities there are to serve others, forgive others, befriend others, and share our feelings and take time to make other people feel special and loved during Christmas.  Sharing in the love and excitement of the season is one of my favorite parts.  So is giving.  :) 

To each and all, I hope you have a fabulous holiday with all the people you love the most.  Hugs!

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